Local Cloud
Trusted Cloud Services Offer Peace of Mind
Private Cloud Services are ready to bolster your business with the world's leading cloud infrastructure delivered as a service. Now more than ever, the ability to seamlessly run, manage, connect and secure applications across private and public clouds in a common operating environment is a necessity.
- Scalable: Elastic, highly scalable infrastructure supports the dynamic needs of today's cloud computing environments.
- Efficient: Run, manage, connect and secure applications across clouds and devices in a common operating environment.
- Optimized: Rely on your team's existing skill sets leveraging the consistent infrastructure and operations of the VMware Cloud Infrastructure.
Local Cloud Features
Private cloud is an on-demand cloud deployment model where
cloud computing services and infrastructure are hosted privately.
Virtual Private Server (VPS)
Virtual Private Cloud
Dedicated Private Cloud (DPC)
DR as a Service
Benefits Working With Us
Build and bullet-proof your hybrid strategy for tomorrow, regardless of the clouds and devices you choose today.
Run, manage, connect and secure applications across clouds and devices in a common operating environment.
Rely on your team's existing skill sets and lower total cost of ownership with VMware Cloud compatibility.